About Lynster House… the Story so far!
This BnB began accidentally, as many a good venture does! I ended up doing a friend a favour as there was a group of European travellers who could not find a bed anywhere in Monaghan. ( the now famous Monaghan Country Music Festival was on). I obliged and found the experience so enjoyable I later signed up with airbnb (Sept 2015).
I had already a fairly good repuation as “hostess with mostess”, so to speak and loved entertaining. I had been bought, as a gift, a brass door knocker, from Trinity College, no less! of a harp (I was known as a harpist for many years) for this house… a new build when we moved in in 2006. A friend with a very wry humor and quick wit, upon arrival at the house, upon seeing newly said door knocker, exclaimed aloud “where do you think you are? Leinster House?!”
Bang! Sorted! Perfect!. We had been thinking about a suitable name for our new home, and given my reputation for encouraging robust debate at dinner, plus Irish seal/insignia is actually the old Brian Boru Harp… and Leinster House, being the home of DaiI Eireann (The Irish Parliament), the matter was settled. So Elizabeth swapped the “ei” for a “y” thus, Lynster House was duly christened! Cead Mile Failte
Lynster House is a bespoke, large, bright modern home with Old World character. Spacious and well appointed, it boasts high end luxury fittings, ultra-comfortable beds, and great art collection. All the rooms are spacious.. Just over three minutes drive from Monaghan town. Kitchen, dining, sun lounge, green room/music room, TV room, laundry room. Four large bedrooms and four bathrooms. The garden is a very welcoming and relaxing area to enjoy.
Further accommodation can be provided by request.
Bespoke culinary delights… dinners on request.
Vegan and vegetarians catered for and outdoor dining available with weather permitting.
Lynster House prides itself in accommodating all kinds of requests such as prompt taxi service, quick turnaround dry cleaning, organizing hair and beauty appointments and a myriad of unusual requests. Nothing is a problem at Lynster House.
Call Elizabeth on 086 893 1953
Owner Elizabeth McGuinness
Elizabeth is a real people person who enjoys sharing her home with guests from all over the world. She became one the top Irish super hosts with AirBnB in 2016. A former teacher Elizabeth lived in New Zealand for fourteen years and returned to Ireland in 2012. She began her company Kiwi Country Clothing in June 2012, looking after peoples needs for quality clothing in cold and wet weather. You might be lucky enough to have a harp or piano recital while staying with Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is well known for going the extra mile to give her guests the best experience possible. Whether it be urgent drycleaning or laundry, taxis in the early hours of the morning, Elizabeth will do her best to look after your every need.
Elizabeth is also the “Mammy” of the MAM project, AKA Mad about Monaghan. She’ll can tell you all you need to know about Monaghan, the best things to see and do.